“Things are outdated.”

Does this statement resonate with you?

Maybe your equipment was acquired years ago, and the initial capital expenditure was large and burdensome on your company’s budget. Maybe you feel pressure to use the equipment until it is simply no longer functional. Similar to the method in which you consume a cell phone or a car – hard-earned capital is invested and as a result, you have ownership, and a financial incentive to get the most use out of your equipment.

How does this approach affect us?

As equipment ages, it becomes increasingly more difficult to support. PCD strives to tend to your needs as well as possible, and with the goal of providing brighter presentations, clearer communication, and better-performing AV systems, this becomes challenging when your desire to upgrade to new equipment is nonexistent.

Meet the San Mateo Union High School District (SMUHSD)

Ten years ago, San Mateo Union High School District (SMUHSD) received their initial equipment install through PCD. At that time, eight of SMUHSD’s locations went out to bid simultaneously, each potentially resulting in varying project timelines and managers.

On top of the complexity in managing multiple projects across several timelines, SMUHSD would have to request funding for eight projects. For PCD ten years ago, at a time when AV solutions were quoted in a lump sum as a capital expenditure, this type of expense required a large portion of the customer’s budget, in turn taking months to get approved. If it was challenging for clients to locate capital funds for the AV itself, locating funds for service and maintenance was even harder. Quite often, this left AV clients without service and maintenance, resulting in cost implications due to downtime and lost revenue.

So, how did PCD get SMUHSD from saying “Hey, things are outdated.” to “This is everything we have needed for a long time to be functional.”?

PCD offered a solution that would positively impact both their time and money: AV as a Service, or AVaaS for short.

What is AV as a Service?

AVaaS is a solution that allows you the convenience of one monthly fee for the most current AV equipment, including: hardware, software, and managed services. AVaaS creates a predictable operational expense while ensuring you retain the freedom and flexibility to adjust the solution based on your evolving AV needs.

When PCD evaluated the theater’s needs, we quickly saw the opportunity to offer a solution that would overcome the financial challenges SMUHSD was faced with, as well as provide a much-welcomed convenience factor.

When AV as a Service (AVaaS) was introduced to SMUHSD, the solution allowed them the ability to get the much-needed video system upgrades their theaters needed to remain competitive and maximize revenue. The eight theaters were able to get the video system upgrades in much less time than taking the route of capital investment and budget allocations. The District was also able to get the service and maintenance agreements needed to maximize the system uptime, in turn keeping the systems updated.

When PCD implemented AV as a Service, we quickly learned how the new approach to bundling everything into one simple, convenient monthly payment could benefit the customer in ways previously unobtainable. In addition, the bundling of service and maintenance locks down AV Systems and deters non-AV techs from troubleshooting on their own. The end result? A fantastic customer experience with technicians you know and can trust.

Are you interested in learning more, or ready to get started? Contact PCD today at 707-546-3633 or [email protected].