Has your business been searching for an audio-visual solution that’s low-cost, regularly maintained by a skilled team, and consistently on the cutting edge of the latest AV technology? If so, Audio Visual as a Service may be the answer. Our Audio Visual as a Service (AVaaS) offers our customers cost-effective audio visual equipment with a low monthly payment plan and no need for cash up front. Our customers can choose an option that fits their current needs while benefitting from the flexibility to add or remove services after the initial contract term is completed.

What is Audio Visual as a Service?

AVaaS has become one of the fastest growing markets in the audiovisual industry, and for good reason. AV equipment and technology changes rapidly, making a system that was new 3-5 years ago quickly obsolete or limited in its functionality and integration with other technology or software. Our Audio Visual as a Service allows our customers to pay a monthly fee and have access to the most current AV equipment, while also enjoying the convenience of our skilled team keeping their AV equipment maintained. Not only do we keep your equipment up to date and running reliably, but we also train your staff on how to use any equipment or software that’s been updated, ensuring that your presentations are always as effective as possible.

How Can AVaaS Save My Business Time and Money?

Our service allows you to have the most state of the art equipment available, giving you a significant advantage over the competition and enabling you to leverage the most current technology for the best possible presentations. With our scheduled maintenance, your team can focus on other tasks. You also won’t have to deal with the hassle of wondering how to dispose of your own equipment – we handle it all for you.

Purchasing your own equipment only to have it become outdated in a few years isn’t a profitable solution; it only ensures that major purchases will have to be made all too soon to stay on top of your game. AVaaS allows you to work within a set budget with a known operational expense, while also ensuring your business or organization has the flexibility to adjust their equipment based on their AV needs. With our scheduled maintenance, you can also save money from expenses like repairs or equipment replacement.

Whether you are a government organization like a police or fire station, or a small local business, your organization can afford the latest AV technology; contact us today at 707-546-3633 to learn more!

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