
Founded in 1963, FrontRow helps schools communicate effortlessly with students, groups, and devices. More than 25,000 schools choose FrontRow for its easy-to-use products, better academic outcomes, and a more efficient campus. FrontRow ed tech solutions include:

Hear from this District Technology Coordinator Why FrontRow is the Top Choice for All



Our engineers work by a core design principle: “Strength inside, simplicity outside.” That means fewer buttons, more straightforward design, and easier installation. Our microphones, control panels, and software interfaces do the work, so you can do your job.

Long-term cost savings

Tight budgets don’t mean sacrificing quality. Our audio and control products are, by design, a much better return on investment over time. From world-class reliability testing, to dramatic energy savings, to smarter network architecture that saves thousands of dollars in infrastructure and maintenance costs, we’re thinking long-term.

Effectiveness and efficiency

School technology is worthwhile only if it makes technologists, teachers, and students successful. That’s why we devote ourselves to developing technologies like voice command of projectors and other devices, the patented OptiVoice™ speech clarification engine, or an open architecture to our control platform that lets you make the changes you want when you want. In ways large or small, FrontRow products just work better.

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