When you need house of worship audio video in Vacaville, consult the AV experts! PCD has years of experience providing house of worship AV solutions throughout Northern California. Our expertise and commitment to customers means that you will get a custom audio visual system tailored to your unique needs and space, installed carefully to uphold the integrity of your facility, and comprehensive training so your employees/volunteers know how to work the controls. The result is church AV systems that fit seamlessly into your service!

Each church is unique. We consider the space available and ask relevant questions. Does one projection screen make sense or two? Do you livestream the service to TV monitors in the lobby? Do you film the service or audio for online streaming? What kind of musical accompaniment do you have – organ, piano, acapella choir, full band? How big is your sanctuary and what type of speakers are needed to relay the sound clearly? Are there skylights that will affect the digital projection? These are just some of the factors we consider when it comes to house of worship audio video in Vacaville and beyond. Our talented designers provide house of worship AV solutions that take all these items into consideration. We also evaluate the building to ensure that sound and video will be clear throughout the facility and that our installation will fit in.

Throughout the process of design, installation, training, and afterwards, you can count on PCD to answer any questions. We want to provide a house of worship audio video system that works for your Vacaville church. This means not only professional, high-quality equipment, but thorough training and streamlined controls so that the equipment can be used effectively. There’s no point in installing a new system that no one knows how to use! That’s why our technicians take the time to train your staff and volunteers on how to use the system, and we are always available to answer follow-up questions. Contact PCD to discuss your AV needs today.