Is your house of worship audio video system outdated? Or perhaps you have a new church or cathedral in Modesto that needs to be equipped with an AV system. PCD has decades of experience providing state-of-the-art house of worship AV solutions to congregations throughout Northern California, including the student chapel at St. Mary’s Church and St. Phillip the Apostle Church. We create custom-tailored systems created around your worship needs, as well as your budget and space to ensure all members of your church can see and hear clearly. Our knowledgeable team will handle all aspects of design, installation, and configuration – we’ll even teach you how to use your new equipment.

Every building presents its own set of considerations when it comes to audio and video, and churches in particular often have challenging infrastructure. Your church may have niches, alcoves, rafters, or other architectural design that deflect sound or present viewing difficulties. We take all these factors into account when creating church AV systems, and we ensure that the integrity of your existing infrastructure remains intact. Whether you have live music like choirs and bands or you would like to project passages or announcements on a screen, we’ll work with you to find the best house of worship AV solutions.

Other Benefits

Although services are a common focus with our house of worship audio video services, we can also enhance your congregation’s ability to expand on fellowship, community, and education. AV systems can enhance common areas like classrooms or programs like vacation bible school. We also offer streaming audio video to be able to reach parishioners that are unable to attend live services. These services can help everyone be on the same page about charity drives, outreach programs, and much more. Our house of worship audio video solutions take all your needs into account – from the types of programs and services you offer to the needs of the congregation and structural elements of the church itself.

For more information on our services in Modesto, contact PCD at 707-546-3633.